Energy consumption is a major cost factor in many companies. Even better if consumption can be reduced at one point or another. Based on precise demand forecasts and active load management, constant load curves can be achieved, and companies can benefit from significant cost reduction and tax advantages. Optimizing purchasing conditions at the electricity exchange is an additional way to reduce costs.
In close cooperation with our customers, we create a technical concept for every individual use case requirements. This concept defines in the first place which technical assets can be connected or disconnected in which order and according to which priority, time frame and frequency. With the help of historical data and defined input variables, we can define the interdependencies of both production and consumption. This allows to have a solid foundation for subsequent evaluations of load plans based on production planning.
The technical implementation:
In the scope of this concept’s implementation, the total consumption of the respective site as well as the relevant energy consumers and producers must be measured consistently in a detailed manner.
Based on the collected values, current data of switchable users and the plan-/forecast data, the forecasted power consumptions will be calculated. As soon as an active connection or disconnection is required, switch commands will be automatically transferred to the machine control, which then takes over the operation. Having issued the switch command, the consumer status as well as the measured values of the connected meters are monitored to ensure the correct results.

Customers use these methods either to profit from any fluctuation in spot market prices or to achieve the best purchasing conditions and realize additional tax benefits thanks to constant load profiles.
Learn how Load Management helped one of our customers to save a six-figure sum: