Last Wednesday, the metropolitan area of Rhine-Neckar hosted the 8th Regional Conference for Energy and Environment.

Image Source: Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GmbH
We contributed to this top-class event that took place in the John Deere Forum in Mannheim by giving a presentation titled “Effective use of renewables through intraday-load management”. At the forefront of this presentation was the idea, that AI methods could help optimising the use of renewables in production environments. First, forecasts have to be made both for the energy generation from renewable sources as well as for the consumption within the production. Following the forecasts, both supply and demand need to be matched accordingly.
Since production processes tend to be fairly static – at least in energetic terms – this can only be done by using flexible loads that can be found in virtually any production environment. These loads can be supporting processes such as heating or chilling processes, the preparation of raw materials or other means of buffering energy. By using state-of-the-art AI methods as well as intelligent algorithms, these flexible loads can be switched on and off in order to either avoid load peaks or make best use of excess energy.
We are happy to send you the presentation upon request.