
Streamline your global Facility Management processes with the C platform

Many companies aim to standardize their facility management processes on a global scale. The objective here is to establish consistent regulations, protocols, and policies, which naturally extends to the adoption of standardized CAFM (Computer-Aided Facility Management) software suitable for different locations. While looking for the ideal software provider, many companies favor those with a strong international presence. However, the software’s inherent adaptability for international use is of equal, if not greater importance.



We’ve approached the development of our software speedikon C with a global mindset right from the start, undertaking comprehensive initiatives to ensure optimal support for our clients across the globe.

We place a strong emphasis on multilingual capabilities, which was an integral feature of our software right from the start. Our users can display the software and all its content in their preferred language. This language flexibility extends not only to the application itself but also to all the data within it. As a default, we provide speedikon C in German, English, and French. Additionally, thanks to our international partnerships, we have the capability to offer support for other languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, Hungarian, and more. Depending on your specific requirements, other languages can also be added.

As you’re aware, the time tracking function holds a central role in speedikon C. In an international context, accounting for time zones and shifts becomes paramount. To ensure absolute accuracy in time-related information, we consistently apply Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) within speedikon C and then adjust these times according to the local time zone of the respective location. This thorough approach is very important, particularly when it comes to accurately assessing processing times in ticketing.

Our software also seamlessly supports the automatic conversion of international units of measurement, ensuring that every user can work with their preferred units. Even the conversion of variable values like currencies is a breeze with speedikon C. We base these conversions on previously agreed-upon, fixed exchange rates that can be fine-tuned annually, quarterly, or as required. This level of flexibility greatly streamlines financial planning and reporting for global business activities.

Recognizing the diverse requirements and standards across different countries, speedikon C allows users to create their own country-specific catalogs and lists for resources, services, and products. This extends to reporting and the creation of country-specific analyses as well.

Of course, our group of companies’ global presence is further reinforced by our network of international partners, ensuring that we can provide on-site support whenever and wherever you need it.

Are you interested in optimizing your facility management on a global scale with a dependable and efficient tool? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today! You can reach us at +49 (0) 6251 584 0 or via email at to learn more.