In the context of an efficient data centre management, the exchange of data such as cost centres or client’s names between a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and our DCIM platform DAMS C has become a standard process for many of our clients. More ambitious in this regard is the process of adding devices to DAMS C — which had been recently generated in the CMDB —as well as synchronising the precise location. Ideally, one could use the import function in order to add the hardware. However, in the CMDB it is not clear where free rack units are available as well as sufficient power supplies and access points to the network in order to dispatch hardware. For the purpose of improving this process, a new function is now available in DAMS C which provides users with significant benefits.
The new interface
With the help of web services, new hardware is placed into a kind of storage, which is comparable to DAMS C’s device catalogue. The only difference is that via the standard device catalogue, the hardware can be re-positioned indefinitely often. However, with the new interface, the device is deleted from the storage right after you position it in order to keep the process clear. Transferred parameters such as serial numbers or the allocation of clients are preserved. After you position the device in a rack, its location can be communicated back to the CMDB. That way it is assured that information of all devices is up-to-date at all times.
A successful solution for every kind of CMDB
In case changes are made in the CMBD later, such as the allocation of a new cost centre, parameters can be adjusted subsequently. Another crucial advantage is that a device is automatically deleted or terminated when its lifecycle is closed. Since communication takes place via web services and therefore arbitrary CMDBs can be used, data centre managers are independent from the data bases. This results in an additional benefit for the daily work in a data centre.

Do you have any questions regarding the new interface? Do not hesitate to contact us!