
New and improved graphic functions

The brand-new speedikon C release 2021 brings along a couple of very interesting graphic functions. As often, they are the fruit of successful customer projects to facilitate and speed up every-day work in the industry. The only bitter pill during workplace management used to be the fact that simply moving staff via drag & drop…

Adequate tools for analyzing areas and spaces

Glücklicherweise scheinen wir die erste Welle der Corona-Pandemie überwunden zu haben, und die Wirtschaft bereitet sich auf den Re-Start vor. Aufgrund von Homeoffice, mobile Work und Abstandsregelungen, werden sich die Anforderungen an den Immobilienbetrieb kurz – und mittelfristig deutlich verändern.

Facility Management customised: cost centre inheritance

As you may already know, a cost centre analysis that is based on inherited information was implemented in speedikon® C as a standard mechanism, in 2016. Hence, rooms inherit cost centre information from personnel since employees often bring their assigned cost centres with them and because it is helpful for analysis and for strategic planning…

Occupancy Planning

We originally thought, that fundamental subjects such as ‘Occupancy Planning’, don´t require further explanation in the CAFM / IWMS business. Since we received many requires regarding this subject though, we thought to share some wisdom on our Blog. The users have the possibility in speedikon FM Enterprise to link areas to respective cost centres (graphically…