
Charly the Chameleon on social media

Did you know that our versatile Charly acts as an online marketing manager in the social networks? Charly posts exclusive news and can communicate with you on Twitter, Xing and LinkedIn. Social media has been a part of everyday life for quite a while and is not only used for private communication but also for…

Facility Management customised: cost centre inheritance

As you may already know, a cost centre analysis that is based on inherited information was implemented in speedikon® C as a standard mechanism, in 2016. Hence, rooms inherit cost centre information from personnel since employees often bring their assigned cost centres with them and because it is helpful for analysis and for strategic planning…

Easy defect documentation with our “Mangelerfassungs-App”

Today, we would like to introduce our mobile app called “Mangelerfassung” which facilitates the defect management of your buildings and plants. On site, you can easily record defects offline on a map and synchronise the data with the speedikon® C platform. During a site inspection, defects of all kinds can be recorded and documented. If…

speedikon FM AG welcomes two new team members

We are pleased to introduce you to two new colleagues at speedikom FM AG. Natalie Wocko and Sebastian Schrenk, who became part of our team at the beginning of February, can say: new year – new job at Speedikon Facility Management AG. Natalie Wocko will support us in marketing and attend to our social media…

IoT in the Facility Management arena

Today, we would like to tackle a topic in our blog that many of our customers and prospects take great interest in, according to our experience:  the use of IoT technologies in the FM arena. Whatever magazine you are reading, whichever conference you are attending, or what else comes to your attention in endless adverts,…

Strategic partnership with SCHÄFER IT Systems for DAMS C

The cooperation with well established, competent partners is a decisive cornerstone for the continuous market penetration of our solutions portfolio in Germany and Europe. In this context, we are happy to announce a strategic partnership with SCHÄFER-IT Systems in the Data Center marketplace for DAMS C. As a manufacturer of tailor-made infrastructural solutions and Data…

Christmas greetings 2018

As Christmas celebrations are very close ahead, we would like to wish all our Blog readers some nice and restful Christmas days with many peaceful moments for reading and relaxing. We would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank all of you for your continuous interest in our weekly posts as well as for…

New features in version 5.0 – Graphics

Version 5.0 of speedikon® C delivers a wide range of precious additional functionality in various application areas of our platform. One of the key topics in our ongoing development were the graphical functions. The GUI for processing the graphical objects has been revised such that functions are very easy to access and provide a clearer overview.…

New features in version 5.0 – Filter cascades

Buildings, rooms, installations: Here are three selected object types that are managed in a CAFM system like speedikon® C. The number of these objects is often exceeds 10,000, and each individual object has got its own set of attributes. These can be in the high two or three-digit range – especially when different corporate departments…

Webinars – on demand

As most of you are aware of yet, we have been offering weekly webinars for quite some time already. These webinars, focusing on a variety of topics centered around our solutions concerning Facility Management, Energy Management and Data Center Infrastructure Management, are normally held on Thursdays and do enjoy very frequent participation. Unfortunately, we receive…

The asset ledger … revisted

speedikon® C has always supported the comprehensive documentation of all equipments and technical installations; further many of our customers use the system the support their planned preventive maintenance. Thereby all technicals assets are very known and docuvmented on a global scale. The next big thing is looking at the daily life of the equipment, meaning…

International group of managers visit the Future.Lab

We were delighted that an international group of managers visited our offices in Bensheim last Monday. During this visit the managers from emerging economies gained an insight into the use of modern IT-technologies in the field of the digitalisation of business processes. Aside from the presentation of various use cases and case studies, the exchange…

REST API in DAMS C – a new dimension in system communication

In decentralized system environments of organizations, the decisive efficiency factor is software systems’ ability to seamlessly communicate. The most common framework for automatic data transfer among Enterprise Information Systems are API Calls/Webservices. They enable smooth data exchange between DAMS C and various systems such as a CMDB or an ERP application. For the following reasons,…

Charly in Jakarta

Many of our customers have operations in Asia; with some of those we already have realised projects in the respective countries in the past. Since further projects are planned in Asia, and we do want to strengthen our existing local partner network, Adrian Merkel is attending the Asia-Pacific Conference in Jakarta. During the conference, that…

speedikon C – prepared for international use

This morning, did you wake up earlier than the time set on your alarm clock? Do you feel slightly out of your normal rhythm? Then you are probably a victim of the time change. For our international customers using our system in different time zones, changing the time is quite an every-day topic. Hence, data…

Success Story: Borgers SE & Co. KGaA

We are delighted to announce that the success story of our customer Borgers will be published in the ‘IT&Production’ magazine October issue with the title ‘Efficiency Management leading to ISO50.001 Certification’. The automotive supplier Borgers with headquarters in the westphalian Bocholt is running in the fifth generation under the management of the founding family. Since 2013, the…

New features in speedikon® C V4.2

A while ago we dedicated one of our blog posts to our speedikon® C Version 4.1. Well, we´ve just launched the latest Version 4.2 of speedikon® C and we are happy to announce some interesting features: We come up against one central problem in many of our projects: CAD floor plans are delivered by architects without closed…

speedikon®C SNMP Monitor

The speedikon® C SNMP Monitor monitors all systems, devices and their complete range within the IT infrastructure. All functions are directly available in speedikon® C. This allows complete transparency in your network in terms of location, uptime and load factor. We´ve all been in this situation: All information regarding network and power supply is accessible, communication…

Photogrammetric extension of BIM-models

A BIM-Model usually comprises building components such as walls, ceilings, struts, windows, doors, etc. In rare cases also, technical components and equipment. Especially when it comes to 3D-post-documentations of existing buildings the data collected is limited to the above-mentioned building components due to financial reasons. Further factual information is vital for documentation, inspection and maintenance…

Flexible Objects and Hierarchy Structures

We´ve mentioned the topic Flexibility (read about it here) in a couple of our blog-posts before. Little attention has been paid to a very important aspect within every single project of ours: Flexible Object- and Hierarchy Structures. We will change this with the following words. The master data structure in speedikon® C is exclusively dependant…

Batch Management and Optimisation

Today´s topic, Batch Management and Optimisation, is actually a logical add-on to one of our blog posts we shared with you a couple of months ago with the title: Energy KPI. Within the Batch Management the focus is set on identifying energy and resource consumptions of individual production steps of a product and how these…

Tiles of the month: Specific Search Functions

We dedicated one of our latest blog posts to our powerful reporting and analysis tools (read more about it here). Today we will be digging into a similar topic with our tiles of the month: Specific Search Functions. In many cases a CAFM/IWMS system manages far over millions of objects and people. Thus, a customisable…

Enhanced service processes thanks to Helpdesk

In addition to central standard processes such as Asset- and Cable Management, DAMS C professionally supports also relevant service processes. Our high performing C-platform allows manifold technical and commercial processes to be built upon. Therefore, an integrated, fully-fledged Helpdesk is self- evident, and many of our customers use different Helpdesk configurations successfully every day. This…