
Monitoring measurement and sensor data

Today’s topic is daily business for a majority of our customers: monitoring measurement and sensor data. Data monitoring is a core task within Energy Data Management. Persons responsible for monitoring consumptions need prompt overviews to respond to abnormal values accordingly. We know, from our experience, that data monitoring in these quantities should be executed automatically…

BIM – User Group

The process and data structure standardisation within the Building Information Modeling (BIM) sector has been discussed very actively for some years now. The direct practice relation is usually only briefly mentioned. In particular, topics essential for the FM industry, which has its focus set on the operation of buildings and assets, find only little attention.…

Displaying assets within an external map

In our current newsletter, it was already mentioned: displaying assets on an external map. So why are we doing this? Some of our clients maintain geographic coordinates on objects such as buildings or installations to view their position in a digital map. Roads in large factory areas are not always digitised for a variety of…

Future.Lab: Robot-teaching using HoloLens

One of our current projects is focused on supporting the teaching and use of robots using augmented reality. We are following two main ideas in this project: the first one is augmenting information onto the robot; the other one is to simulate the entire robot and it’s possible movements. For teaching purposes, the position as…

Summer Party 2018

Our second annual summer party took place last Friday. A majority of our staff together with their families accepted our invitation and joined us for our summer party 2018. With blue skies, sunshine and –  following the heat wave –  a rather nice temperature we spent a wonderful afternoon. Apart from the wonderful food from…

Reports & Evaluations in speedikon® C

We know the value of powerful reporting and search tools for analysing data within property management from our extensive project experience gathered in over 20 years of CAFM/IWMS business. Contemporary management reports or ad hoc enquiries coming from executive levels, evaluations as controlling tools, data lists for other departments or software systems, benchmarks, data queries…

Automatic port naming with DAMS C

Responding to TIA and ISO Standards on one hand and the availability of necessary resources on the other constitute an area of conflict, in which Data Centers nowadays need to act. To be able to work properly according to above mentioned standards and guidelines, a considerable amount of resources is indispensable. However, these are often…

Special evaluation: Day Analysis

We want to focus with today’s blogpost on one of many extensive evaluation possibilities within WiriTec® C: the day analysis. Displaying measuring data and consumption data in consecutive periods and time ranges is a typical scenario within professional Energy Management. Thus, evaluations are created with daily, weekly, monthly or yearly periods. Individual consecutive weeks or months…

Variant planning in speedikon® C

We have released a new function package with our latest speedikon® C version 4.2: variant planning. It is a common practice to create various scenarios of new occupancies and furniture layouts within planning of complex moves. For obvious reasons, these scenarios are created within detached copies, also called variants. This way existing data within the…

Future.Lab: The C platform as a framework for VR/AR

We occasionally mentioned in past blog-posts our cutting-edge Future.Lab and its main focus on virtual and augmented reality combined with application possibilities within technical business processes. Today’s blog-post is dedicated to the technical basis and opportunities provided by these technologies. The majority of the VR/AR industry has set their focus on marketing and gaming sectors…

Collecting 3D data of existing properties and objects

Collecting 3D data of existing properties is still a costly challenge for many businesses. Our Hungarian partner Burken Ltd. has specialised in meeting these challenges in an affordable way – including a direct connection to speedikon® C! As one of the leading businesses in property and object data collection, Burken has established itself as a…

speedikon® C – the epitome of flexibility

We´ve all been in this situation: a new system is rolled out and the user has to adapt to the interface, the process handling and the data structure. With speedikon® C we are following a different approach: The customer is not forced to adapt to the system because the system adapts fully to the customers’…

Collecting metre data using the WiriApp

A while ago we dedicated two separate blog posts to the topic of automatic data collection. Today we want to talk about data collection in combination with our WiriApp. Unlike with many different mobile processes the process of the mobile metre data collection is usually executed when the devices have no online connection. This is…

Tile of the month: Import

How is our alphanumerical and graphical data imported into speedikon® C? This is one of the key questions asked by many of our prospects and customers. We differentiate between alphanumerical and graphical imports. All imports are performed simply by any user (provided that the user is authorised to do so) via the systems interface. The import…

Future.Lab News

As most of you already know, the Future.Lab – speedikon FM and WiriTec’s joint research lab – was formed last November. Some of our customers already had the chance to get to know the newest technology and some use cases during the cause of our Technology-Days as well as during some additional meetings. We are…

Specific views on racks in DAMS C

The availability of adequate views when working on racks significantly eases the work of the responsible in Data Centers of today. This is particularly the case when you are dealing with racks being quite distant from each other, or even located in different Data Centers. Using our DC Management platform DAMS C, you can in…

Dynamic Load Management

The ongoing trend towards renewable, volatile energy sources is driving the balance between demand and supply far apart. Periodically an oversupply or shortage of power can occur. The effects are usually seen within the electricity exchange market and the significant price fluctuations. Businesses can profit from these exchange fluctuations which will lead to substantial positive cost…

Integrating DCIM into existing environments

During the implementation of a DCIM System, DC managers face two major challenges these days: On one hand, it is the initial capturing of data regarding assets and cables from existing systems. On the other, it is the smooth and seamless integration of the DCIM solution into existing system environments and the respective processes.  The…

Flexible colouring of floor plans

A further highlight, which we introduced our customers to on our Technology Days 2018 were the graphical ad-hoc-evaluation tools and the colour assignments for catalogues and cost centres. speedikon® C provides ready-to-use graphical evaluations that are executed by the push of a button. This comes in handy for frequent evaluations and users, who rarely use the system.…

Ostergrüße der speedikon FM AG

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from all of us at speedikon FM AG and WiriTec GmbH. We hope you all have a relaxing break and can enjoy a few days with your loved ones. We are also off hunting for easter eggs and will be back April 9th with new, interesting topics. In the meantime, if you have…

Editor for labelling rules

One of this nice highlights for existing platform C customers we showed during our Technology days was the editor for graphics labelling. Customers, who had been using our speedikon Enterprise solution and who had been working intensely with our graphics, had been asking for a GUI for labelling for a while. Labels could be used…

Technology Days 2018

  The wait is finally over – our Technology Days 2018 will take place  from Wednesday to Friday this week in our offices in Bensheim as well as the Hilton Hotel Frankfurt Airport. During the course of the three days the participants can look forward to a number of very interesting and informative workshops, seminars…

Box-Whisker-Plots now available

In todays blog post we would like to introduce you to a new function available within the energy management – the box-whisker-plots. When it comes to analysing performance indicators the often used bar charts and line diagramms are usually not good enough as they cannot properly display the scattering of all the values. The scatterplot…

New features in 4.1

We have released our new version 4.1 of our C platform right on time for our technology days in two weeks. In total over 100 new features are listed in the respective release notes. Some features are available for all customers automatically and some are activated via customising. The features are, once again, divided across…

Data Analytics with the Formula Editor

The measured data has to be analysed thoroughly in order to identify saving potentials or to optimise equipment efficiency. The formula editor available in WiriTec© C is an innovative and very powerful tool for carrying out these tasks. The formula editor is based on a programming language (C #). It can easily be configured by trained users…

Technology days 2018 – program

We have almost finished the preparations for our annual Technology days from the 14th to the 16th of March. Today, we are delighted to provide you with the finished program. As usual you may look forward to interesting presentations, workshops and training session covering a wide range of different topics. Following the keynote on Thursday morning…

Occupancy Planning

We originally thought, that fundamental subjects such as ‘Occupancy Planning’, don´t require further explanation in the CAFM / IWMS business. Since we received many requires regarding this subject though, we thought to share some wisdom on our Blog. The users have the possibility in speedikon FM Enterprise to link areas to respective cost centres (graphically…