
Digital Twins with speedikon© C

Digital Twins of buildings, assets and technicals installations can yield a significant benefit not only for the daily operations but also for planning und documentation purposes. Having all the necessary information accessible in one place leads to optimised processes, quicker decision making and a reduction in time and money spent. It is vital that all…

DAMS C supports Edge Data Center concepts

In the context of rapidly progressing digitization, the introduction of 5G and IoT solutions already available, there is absolutely no doubt that the amount of data to be processed will dramatically rise to infinity due to additional factors driving digitization. As a matter of consequence, there will be no alternative to distributed systems, so called…

speedikon C solutions – BIM2FM

At the end of this month, BIM World Munich will open its doors and there will certainly be a lot of talking around and about BIM during this period. Wherever you look or whoever you listen to, BIM will be the future and a life without BIM is simply unimaginable. As a leading CAFM solutions…

speedikon® C Lease Management – The Webinar

Professional lease management is a topic that is part of the every-day core business at many of our customers.  That is why we have been dealing with this topic for quite a long time, and have delivered high performing software solutions for lease management over the past years. Many users took advantage of our comfortable…

New speedikon C Release 5.3

As of today, we are going to deliver the latest speedikon® C Version 5.3 to our customers. There is a lot of new and useful functionality available for all product areas such as CAFM, DAMS and WiriTec. In future, the following new modules can be used with a respective basic configuration: Land parcels management –…

On the road to optimized maintenance procedures

There is a lot of talk about Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance these days. And the key objective is always to improve and shorten maintenance cycles such that all activities will be carried out exactly at the right point in time. Such a fully digitized type of maintenance is certainly the ideal case; however, it…

International Week

Last week, Internationalization was the key word for our group of companies. Friday afternoon, we had the pleasure to welcome a delegation of managers from India in our corporate headquarters in Bensheim. Altogether, 15 participants from quite different industry sectors took advantage of their visit to get first-hand information about  a large variety of options…

speedikon C Solutions

As the keen readers of our newsletter will already know, we have decided to share our ample knowhow with you. Therefore we recently developed a specialised consulting concept for you. speedikon® C Solutions is the one-stop consultancy for all your digitalisation needs. We provide solutions-oriented consultancy as well as transfer of knowhow for all your projects concerning the…

Mobile Solutions – Controlling cleaning quality

Most companies have outsourced their general cleaning to an external service provider. The qualitiy of the cleaning is typically governed by service level agreements, that are defined and provided by the prinicpal. As to whether the cleaning is carried out accordingly, has to be monitored by the principal. In many cases, the service provider himself…

Tracking CO2-emissions

These days, CO2 emissions are again dominating the headlines. Mankind has consumed the resources that nature is able to regenerate within one year already by the end of July (Earth Overshoot Day). In this context, the German economic magazine Wirtschaftswoche inquired the DAX corporations in an article published lately about their climate goals to be…

The speedikon BIM series, part 4

BIM2FM – What other topics could be discussed? As a responsible person for Building Operations, please do not worry too much about BIM. The world will not be re-invented in this field, even if you could get the impression it would. In any case, it is your individual and long-term experience that tells you what…

The speedikon BIM series, part 3

BIM2FM – What is the real benefit of 3D? BIM has initiated a widespread discussion about 3D models. In the planning phase, it is quite beneficial to the builder to have a virtual walk-through to get a realistic idea of his future building and subsequently take the right decisions. However, when talking about future building…

The speedikon BIM series, part 2

BIM2FM – Take advantage of the opportunity There are rumors going around that BIM, and respectively the 3D model that was created during the BIM process, will be the new SSOT (single source of truth) for building operations. Quite frankly speaking, can you imagine processes such as maintenance planning, workplace management and contract management handled…

The speedikon BIM series, part 1

These days, there is a lot of discussion going on about BIM2FM in the marketplace, about quite different approaches and ideas. We have grasped the opportunity to dedicate the subsequent 4 blog articles to report about the every-day practical challenges in this field. Every second day, we will throw a glance on yet another aspect…

Summer Party 2019

Whenever there is a bouncy castle on our car, it is a clear sign that our annual summer party is about to happen Last Friday the 3rd annual summer party of speedikon, WiriTec and our partner FRAMENCE took place.  A majority of our staff together with their families accepted our invitation and joined us f.…

Easter Greetings

We at speedikon FM AG and WiriTec GmbH wish you a Happy Easter! Next Monday, there will be a new blog post again. Would you like us to write about a certain subject, or do you have other suggestions or questions? We are looking forward to your message. Our partner FRAMENCE is going to do…

FRAMENCE veranstaltet eine Reihe von Roadshows, um seine revolutionäre Software zur Digitalisierung von Gebäuden und Anlagen vorzustellen.
FRAMENCE veranstaltet eine Reihe von Roadshows, um seine revolutionäre Software zur Digitalisierung von Gebäuden und Anlagen vorzustellen.

FRAMENCE roadshow

As we have reported before, our partner company FRAMENCE has developed a revolutionary software for digitalising buildings and facilities based on simple pictures. The software creates hybrid models out of panoramic pictures which act like real 3D models and which can integrate 2D maps and 3D models (BIM). The digitalisation with FRAMENCE is simple as…

The time slider in speedikon® C

For many of our clients, it is not only essential to have recent data of their facilities at hand but also data from other points in time. Therefore, we integrated a time slider into speedikon® C for you. Thanks to the time slider, you can have a look at current data, but you can also examine…

International group of managers visit speedikon

On Thursday, 11 April 2019, once again speedikon FM AG welcomed a group of international managers at the speedikon headquarter in Bensheim, Germany. The CEOs and senior managers from several threshold countries such as Mexico or Malaysia had been invited to receive an impression of the latest IT technologies that are used in digitalisation projects.…

News from the FUTURE.LAB – Maintenance Augmented Reality

In this blog post, we will take another look at what is happening in our FUTURE.LAB. Aside from many other topics, we are currently looking into how new technology may increase the efficiency of maintenance procedures. The working title “Maintenance AR” summarises a number of projects and prototypes that are all concerned with using AR…

Energy Management with Live Charts in speedikon® C 5.1

In speedikon® C, it is now possible to work with live data from your facilities. Until now, our clients have been using analyses that where surveyed in certain intervals, hence, the data of the facility was always retrospective. With speedikon® C version 5.1, you can monitor live data from sensors in a chart that is…

Keep a clear sight with network reports in DAMS C

Whether for correcting defects or for planning: you can receive helpful information on our DCIM platform DAMS C . Its network reports, in shape of graphics or lists, can show you where servers and patch panels are located and how they are interconnected; or you can find out how many and which kind of connections…