
Webinars in 2021

It is mid-January already, and the first two weeks of the new year have gone by fast. In an “ordinary year”, many of us would do quite different things at this point in time: Dashing down the slopes in their skiing holidays, or relaxing on the warmer shores, depending on their personal preferences. This year…

“Charly’s Colleagues” – Yannick Schader

Our clients are mainly in touch with speedikon FM AG or WiriTec GmbH through individual employees. But who are the various other members of our team who are involved in our projects and keep the business running? In our new series “Charly’s Colleagues” we are going to introduce to you our team members every few…

Variants in speedikon C

Variants are one of our standardised modules and are commonplace in speedikon C and have been used in various different projects in the past. These variants come into play, whenever planning processes concerning occupancy, refurbishments or moves are to be carried out based on existing data. To begin with, a new variant is created as…

speedikon C – Confirmation of keys

During internal or external audit periods, do you also face the challenge to control on a regular basis, which employee is in possession of which key? In the past, this used to be a more or less painful undertaking. Having released speedikon C 6.2, we can now provide the configuration package “key confirmation” for customers…

Blockly in speedikon C

The possibility to now use the formulae editor when creating calculated columns in lists is one of the new features we have developed for the speedikon C version 6.2. Thanks to new technologies and user interfaces, creating such a formula can literally be done with a couple of clicks. The technology we have integrated into…

Augmented Reality – experience it in our Future.Lab

Many areas of industries are changed by digital transformations. New technologies are revolutionizing processes and working methods. Augmented Reality is most certainly one of those disruptive technologies that will to bring about change. The whole idea behind AR in industrial applications is the on-site support. Whether through remote assistance, or through displaying additional information or…

Looking for a new challenge? We’re hiring!

We at speedikon are passionate about IT and, together with 70 colleagues, are driving digitization forward. We are proud of more than 20 years of IT know-how. We specialize in the digitization of processes, buildings, and technical facilities. Our customers are among the largest corporations in the world, so our demand for quality is always at…

The BIM-Analyzer

In a previous blogpost we introduced our new BIM-Viewer, a tool that enables you to view large complex BIM models in any web browser. As we pointed out then, the Viewer is one part of a larger solution to handle BIM in facilities management. In this blogpost we want to take a look at the…

International manager delegation visits speedikon FM Group

On Tuesday, 25th August 202, speedikon FM AG had the pleasure to welcome a group of international managers once again. Due to the pandemic situation, the visit was carried out entirely digital this time. The CEOs and senior managers from threshold countries such as Mexico and Chile had been invited to get a comprehensive impression…

New functionalities in speedikon C Version 6.1

Since the beginning of July, version 6.1 is available for installation. As usual, there is a lot of new functionalities that make speedikon C even better. The central management of users for all productive systems makes life a lot easier for the IT divisions. Especially when employees are leaving the company or new ones are…

Supporting process automation in data centers

Over the past weeks, most organizations have been moving to video conferencing, people are working from home or following mobile work concepts, and the information exchange on communication platforms has grown exponentially. This has caused a dramatic and rapid increase in data traffic. And it is why Data Centers are being recognized as important critical…

Adequate tools for analyzing areas and spaces

Glücklicherweise scheinen wir die erste Welle der Corona-Pandemie überwunden zu haben, und die Wirtschaft bereitet sich auf den Re-Start vor. Aufgrund von Homeoffice, mobile Work und Abstandsregelungen, werden sich die Anforderungen an den Immobilienbetrieb kurz – und mittelfristig deutlich verändern.


App for booking workplaces

As already announced in our penultimate blog post, we are happy to present our new app for workplace booking. As a direct reaction to the pandemic Corona-situation, workplace organization will dramatically change in many areas in the future. Many companies are wondering how to integrate remote working conceptions into their corporate culture, and whether to…

New features for the regression analysis

Some of our customers already use very successfully methods of regression analysis on the WiriTec C platform to be able to forecast the expected energy demand. Driven by the initiative of one of our customers, we have significantly extended the scope of these functions to use them for in-depth analyses of the actual energy demand.…

speedikon-BIM Viewer & Analyzer

Using BIM models is getting increasingly important as the basis for planning buildings and technical facilities. This element of digitization provides a clear added value for owners als well as operators of those objects. To be able to realize that benefit within a building’s life cycle, a reliable and always up to date BIM model…

Integration of Smart Watches and Virtual Assistants

Just have a quick look on your wrist…and are you wearing a smart watch? In case you do, then you belong to the fast-growing group of people trying to ease already their every-day lives by smart wearables. Whereas fitness tracking, reading e-mails or contactless paying can be considered the more private use cases, wearables are…

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from all of us at speedikon FM AG and WiriTec GmbH. We hope you all have a relaxing & healthy break and can enjoy a few days with your loved ones. We are also off hunting for easter eggs and will be back April 20th with new, interesting topics. In the meantime, if…

Smart Buildings and FM – when buildings start complaining …

The world is getting smarter and smarter – regardless of the current stockpiling of toilet paper going on these days – this is still the case, basically. Thanks to digitization increasing every day, information is always available, anywhere. The only remaining obstacle to overcome in today’s Facilities Management, however, is capturing the data. Top-modern, high-tech…

Happy birthday Charly!

Believe it or not, but both Charly and therefore also our blog turn 4 today! Exactly 4 years ago it all started with our first ever blogpost in which we introduced our readers to the C-platform. Things have changed quite a bit since then. Our companies and also our software has evolved quite significantly, many…

speedikon C Version 6.0

Having used speedikon® C – Version 6.0 in the first projects in January, it was finally released for all customers at the beginning of February. In addition to extensions to existing functions in all product areas, complete applications such as rental management and an app for surveys are now available. The AD interface has been extended…

Group of managers visit speedikon

On Friday, 28 February 2020, once again speedikon FM AG welcomed a group of international managers at the speedikon headquarter in Bensheim, Germany. The CEOs and senior managers from India had been invited to receive an impression of the latest IT technologies that are used in digitalization projects. Besides presenting various new approaches and projects…

Digital Twins with speedikon© C

Digital Twins of buildings, assets and technicals installations can yield a significant benefit not only for the daily operations but also for planning und documentation purposes. Having all the necessary information accessible in one place leads to optimised processes, quicker decision making and a reduction in time and money spent. It is vital that all…

DAMS C supports Edge Data Center concepts

In the context of rapidly progressing digitization, the introduction of 5G and IoT solutions already available, there is absolutely no doubt that the amount of data to be processed will dramatically rise to infinity due to additional factors driving digitization. As a matter of consequence, there will be no alternative to distributed systems, so called…