
“Charlys Colleagues” – Masaki Takeuchi

Our Charlys Colleagues is slightly different this week: We would like to dedicate this blog to our Research and Development intern Masaki. His internship at our company ended last Friday. Before he took the plane home, back to Japan, we asked him a couple of questions about his time here. Can you tell us a…

Effectively analyze and monitor complex plants and processes

Modern production facilities are equipped with large numbers of different technical installations, that are connected to each through the production processes. Usually, these installations all have their own internal control systems, that ensure optimized operations of the equipment. When looking at supply facilities in particular, they are controlled and managed without taking changing environments or…

Reopening of FUTURE.LAB

It is almost time! – starting at the end of March, we will personally welcome customers and interested parties back to our FUTURE.LAB. Therefore, we would like to use today’s blog post to give you a small impression of the topics we have been working on in recent months. Operators of buildings and facilities are…

Webservices SOAP or REST?

Security is not only in the foreground of a software itself, but is also an essential aspect, especially with regard to interfaces. In addition to secure mutual authentication of the systems that want to exchange data with each other, the transfer and processing of the data must also be secured. This ensures that automated interfaces…

New features in Version 2022

Only a few weeks to go until the new version of the C-platform is to be released and used in our customers’ projects. Therefore, we want to use this blogpost to share some insights on new features and functions – of course in addition to the corresponding webinar. One of the most important updates is…

ESG with speedikon C

Over the last couple of years, adhering to the various ESG criteria (environmental, social and governance) has turned into being an absolute must for organizations and companies. In addition to the legal requirements to be fulfilled, recently a number of social requirements have come into common place that have to be adhered to also. Since…

There is more to flexible work than just an app

In the last few weeks and months, several apps have appeared on the market with which users can book a workplace quickly and easily. Many of these apps are certainly very well made, support the user with great features, and can quickly help in selecting the desired workplace or desk. However, what is often overlooked…

Working with the best – an important factor for success

Speedikon FM AG has a top-tier, nationally recognized employee on its consulting team. Innovative solutions, leading technology, many years of project experience as well as excellent consulting and implementation skills are decisive success factors for IT companies today in order to master future challenges in this dynamic market. That is why it has always been…

speedikon UserGroups

With the long break due to Corona finally at an end, we have had the chance to host some more UserGroup events again in recent weeks. These UserGroups are events for existing customers and serve primarily as a platform to exchange ideas with each other and with us as the software manufacturer. In order to…

“Charlys Colleagues” – Renate de Boer

Our clients are mainly in touch with speedikon FM AG or WiriTec GmbH through individual employees, but who are the various other members of our team who are involved in our projects and keep the business running? In our new series “Charly’s Colleagues” we are going to introduce to you our team members every few…

speedikon C Version 2021.2 – Part 2

While we focused on general improvements in last weeks post, this week we want to turn our attention to more specific, module related changes we made. Based on the feedback we received from our customers using the workplace reservation app, we have introduced some new features. Cancelling a future reservation has always been possible, but…

speedikon C Version 2021.2

Only a little while to go until our next speedikon C release (Version 2021.2) will be available to our customers. As we have always done in the past, we will be using this release to make many of the customer specific tools available to all our customers by integrating them into the standard. Another key…

Safety management with speedikon C

Our last week’s webinar on security management has generated an enormous response! Therefore we would like to take the opportunity to talk about this topic here in our blog. Safety and hazard prevention are always relevant, especially in the field of building and plant management.  On the one hand, the requirements for  the protection of…

speedikon FM AG „at summerschool“

Each year, pupils of the 8th and 9th grade get the chance to have a two-week internship in companies to get valuable orientation guidelines for their future careers. in the month May this year we had another young student for a small internship who worked on Bittle our pet robot dog. This time it was…

“Charlys Colleagues” – Frank Rust

Our clients are mainly in touch with speedikon FM AG or WiriTec GmbH through individual employees, but who are the various other members of our team who are involved in our projects and keep the business running? In our new series “Charly’s Colleagues” we are going to introduce to you our team members every few…

An app for Data Acquisition

An adequately maintained database is the core requirement for efficient processes and effective work. In the rapidly changing environment of technical installations and their components, the creation of this dataset is often tricky for many organizations. In order to provide our customers with the best possible support in this important digitization step, we have developed…

WiriTec User Group’s virtual meeting

On Thursday last week, WiriTec User group held their 11th meeting already. After a somewhat longer break due to the pandemic situation, we were happy to welcome a considerable number of our customers and users for this virtual meeting. After the obligatory introduction round at the beginning that gave us the opportunity to welcome some…

speedikon FM AG „at school”

Each year, pupils of the 8th and 9th forms get the chance to have a two-week internship in companies to get valuable orientation guidelines for their future careers. It is our pleasure to support young people in their professional orientation period, and thus offered 14-year-old Katharina Köhler from Georg-August-Zinn grammar school in Reichelsheim such an…

New and improved graphic functions

The brand-new speedikon C release 2021 brings along a couple of very interesting graphic functions. As often, they are the fruit of successful customer projects to facilitate and speed up every-day work in the industry. The only bitter pill during workplace management used to be the fact that simply moving staff via drag & drop…

Cleaning Management in clean rooms with speedikon C

Cleaning management is one of the core processes within facilities management – though there are numerous that are much more complex that traditional facilities management and therefore need specialised solutions. One of those areas is the documentation of the cleaning processes in clean rooms. In order to provide support even for those very complex environments,…

New speedikon® C 2021 version launched

Es ist endlich soweit – die langersehnte speedikon® C 2021 Version wurde letzte Woche gelauncht. Angefangen von dem geänderten Kacheldesign über eine komplett neu entwickelte Auswertungs-Engine bis hin zu DWG-Massenexporten – speedikon® C 2021 hat viel Neues im Gepäck. Wir möchten Ihnen einen ersten Überblick verschaffen, auf welche Neuerungen Sie sich freuen können.

Demand Forecasts and active Load Management

Energy consumption is a major cost factor in many companies. Even better if consumption can be reduced at one point or another. Based on precise demand forecasts and active load management, constant load curves can be achieved, and companies can benefit from significant cost reduction and tax advantages. Optimizing purchasing conditions at the electricity exchange…